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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   $old as node(),
   $new as node()
) as empty-sequence()


Replaces a node.

old The old node, to be replaced.
new The new node.

Usage Notes

Attribute nodes cannot be replaced by non-attribute nodes. Non-attribute nodes cannot be replaced by attribute nodes. Element nodes cannot have document node children. Document nodes cannot have multiple roots.

If the caller of the function uses function mapping and $old is an empty sequence, the node-replace function may return an empty sequence. It will not return an error.


(: create an XML document :)

(: replace the b node with a c node :)
  xdmp:node-replace(doc("/example.xml")/a/b, <c>ccc</c>);

(: look at the new document :)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


(: This example shows how to update the root
   node of a text format document.  Start by
   creating a text document.     :)

text{"This is a line of text."} ) ;

(: Update the text node of the text document
   by appending another line of text to the
   text node.  Note that the text node is the
   root node of a text document.     :)

xdmp:node-replace(doc("/mydir/doc.txt")/text() ,
text{ concat(doc("/mydir/doc.txt")/text(), "
This is another line of text.") } ) ;

This is a line of text.
This is another line of text.


(: create a document :)
xdmp:document-insert("/foo.json", object-node {"foo":"this is a value"});
(: replace the value using xdmp:node-replace :)
xdmp:node-replace(fn:doc("/foo.json")/foo, text{"this is a different value"});
{"foo":"this is a different value"}

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