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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   $trigger-name as xs:string,
   $description as xs:string?,
   $event as element(),
   $module as element(trgr:module),
   $enabled as xs:boolean,
   $permissions as item()*,
   [$recursive as xs:boolean?],
   [$task-priority as xs:string]
) as xs:unsignedLong


Creates a new trigger in the context database. Returns the trigger ID of the created trigger.

trigger-name A unique name. If $trigger-name is not unique, an error is returned.
description A description of the trigger.
event The definition of an event that invokes the trigger module. Use trgr:trigger-data-event or trgr:trigger-database-online-event to construct this element.
module The module to execute when the triggering event occurs. Use trgr:trigger-module to construct this element.
enabled Set to true if the trigger is enabled.
permissions A sequence of permissions for the trigger. These permissions will determine which roles are permitted to modify the trigger. When run in an XQuery context, the permissions are a sequence of XML elements (sec:permission). When importing this module into a Server-Side JavaScript context, the permissions are an array of Objects.
recursive Set to true if the trigger should be allowed to trigger itself for recursive changes on the same document. Set to false to prevent the trigger from triggering itself. If this parameter is not present, then its value is true.
task-priority The task priority for post-commit triggers. Either "normal" or "higher". If this parameter is not present, the value is "normal".

Required Privileges


Usage Notes

Triggers must be created in the triggers database associated with the content database to which the triggers apply. To determine the triggers database programatically, use xdmp:triggers-database in the evaluation context of the content database, or xdmp:database with the database name listed as the triggers database value in the Admin Interface under Databases > content_db_name.

Triggers are created in the http://marklogic.com/xdmp/triggers/ directory, with the trigger ID completing the URI. This is the ID returned by trgr:create-trigger .

If a trigger named $trigger-name already exists, the exception TRGR-TNEXISTS is raised. You must use trgr:remove-trigger to delete an existing trigger before recreating it.

Once a trigger is created, you can view it in the Admin Interface under the content database, in the Triggers Summary page (Databases > content_db_name > Triggers). If your trigger does not appear in Triggers Summary, trgr:create-trigger was probably evaluated in the wrong database context.


(: Run in the context of the triggers database of the content database :)
xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace trgr="http://marklogic.com/xdmp/triggers" 
   at "/MarkLogic/triggers.xqy";

trgr:create-trigger("myTrigger", "Simple trigger example", 
      trgr:directory-scope("/myDir/", "1"),
  trgr:trigger-module(xdmp:database("test"), "/modules/", "log.xqy"),
  fn:true(), xdmp:default-permissions() )

  => The ID of the newly created trigger. This
     trigger fires whenever a document is created in the
     /myDir/ directory. The action module, /modules/log.xqy,
     is stored in the modules database of the App Server
     against which the content document is created.  When 
     the trigger fires, a task to evaluate /modules/log.xqy 
     is spawned on the task server queue.

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