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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   old-db as xs.anyAtomicType,
   new-db as xs.anyAtomicType
) as null


Any Trigger with a module referring to $old-db will be updated to refer to $new-db. This is useful after restoring a Trigger's database to a different cluster with different database IDs than the one from which it was backed up.

old-db The old database ID or name.
new-db The new database ID or name.


xquery version "1.0-ml"; 

(: run this against your triggers database :) 
import module namespace trgr = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp/triggers" 
      at "/MarkLogic/triggers.xqy";

trgr:triggers-change-modules-database(xdmp:database("Triggers"), xdmp:database("Modules"))
=> Empty sequence. All triggers referencing the "Triggers" database by name
    or by ID will have their modules database set to reference the ID of 
    the Modules database.

trgr:triggers-change-modules-database("Triggers", "Modules")
=> Empty sequence. All triggers referencing the "Triggers" database by name or id
    ( meaning Triggers with a module referencing the ID of Triggers database will be affected too)
    as their modules database will be changed to reference the Modules database.


const trgr = require('/MarkLogic/triggers');

// Empty sequence. Sets all triggers that reference 5184170867299910410
// as their modules database to reference the ID of the Modules database.

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