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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   $datepart as xs:string,
   $number as xs:integer,
   $date as item()
) as item()


Returns a specified date with the specified number interval (signed integer) added to a specified datepart of that date

datepart Is the part of date where the number will be added. The following table lists all valid datepart arguments. User-defined variable equivalents are not valid. The return data type is the data type of the date argument.


datepart parameter abbreviation includes:

The year part of the date
The quarter part of the date
The month part of the date
The day of the year from the date
The day of the month from the date
The week of the year from the date
The day of the week from the date
The hour of the day from the date
The minute of the hour from the date
The second of the minute from the date
The millisecond of the minute from the date
The microsecond of the minute from the date
The nanosecond of the minute from the date
number This number will be added to the datepart of the given date.
date Is an expression that can be resolved to a time, date or datetime, value. date can be an expression, column expression, user-defined variable or string literal. startdate is subtracted from enddate.

Usage Notes

This function is only available for use within SQL; it is not available directly from XQuery, XSLT, or JavaScript.


 sql:dateadd('day',45, '2008-11-11T13:23:44.657')
returns   2008-12-26T13:23:44.657

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