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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   $request-id as xs:unsignedLong
) as empty-sequence()


Disable profiling for this request. Profiling may be enabled or disabled as often as you like. Disabling does not clear accumulated profiling statistics. Disabling while disabled has no effect. If profiling is not allowed for the App Server, this function does nothing.

For details on profiling requests and interpreting the output of a profile request, see Profiling Requests to Evaluate Performance in the Query Performance and Tuning Guide.

request-id A request ID. Use the xdmp:request() function, which returns the request ID for the currently running request, to specify the current request.

Required Privileges

Either http://marklogic.com/xdmp/privileges/profile-my-requests or http://marklogic.com/xdmp/privileges/profile-any-requests is required for profiling requests other than the current request, with the profile-my-requests privilege allowing profiling of requests issued by the same user ID, and the profile-any-requests privilege allowing profiling of requests issued by any user ID. No privilege is required to profile the currently running request (that is, self-profiling is always allowed).

Usage Notes

Any expressions evaluated after prof:disable is called (but before prof:enable is called again) will not be profiled and will not appear in the profile report.


  => ()


fn:concat("hello", " world"),

  => A profile report that does not include
     the call to fn:current-dateTime().

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