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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   column as String,
   options as object?
) as columnBinding


This function redacts a column with a 9-digit US SSN (Social Security Number) string by generating random numbers or replacing numbers with a masking character. This function can be used with op.bind or op.select .

column The name of the column to be redacted. This can be either a string or the return value from op.col, op.viewCol, or op.schemaCol.
options The options for masking the value the column.

Usage Notes

The redacted column may have a US SSN value with any of the following formats:

The options consist of the following properties:


const op   = require('/MarkLogic/optic');
const ordt = require('/MarkLogic/optic/optic-redaction.sjs');

op.fromView('main', 'employees')
     ordt.redactUsSsn(op.schemaCol('main', 'employees', 'taxid'), {level:'partial', character:'x'})



const op   = require('/MarkLogic/optic');
const ordt = require('/MarkLogic/optic/optic-redaction.sjs');

op.fromView('main', 'employees')
     ordt.redactUsSsn(op.schemaCol('main', 'employees', 'taxid'), {level:'partial', character:'x'})


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