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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   $param-name as item(),
   $qualifier as xs:string?,
   $rowColTypes as map:map+
) as map:map


This function constructs document rows with rows provided by a parameter.

$param-name The paramName parameter specifies the placeholder parameter supplying the rows.
$qualifier Specifies a name for qualifying the column names.
$rowColTypes Describes the columns with a sequence of maps. It's a combinations of column, type and nullable. The 'column' is the column name, which is required. The 'type' is the optional type of the column, which can be an atomic type or the default of none. The 'nullable' is an optional boolean defaulting to false. If your rows contains only uri, doc, collections, metadata, permissions, quality and temporalCollection columns, you could simply use op:doc-col-types instead.

See Also


xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace op="http://marklogic.com/optic"
     at "/MarkLogic/optic.xqy";

let $rows := (
  map:entry("id", 1) => map:with("firstName", "Jane")=> map:with("lastName", "Woods"),
  map:entry("id", 2) => map:with("firstName", "Ken")=> map:with("lastName", "First"))
let $row-col-types := (
  map:entry("column", "id") => map:with("type", "integer")=> map:with("nullable", false()),
  map:entry("column", "firstName") => map:with("type", "string")=> map:with("nullable", true()),
  map:entry("column", "lastName") => map:with("type", "string")=> map:with("nullable", true())
return op:from-param(op:param("param"), "qualifier1", $row-col-types)
        =>op:result("object", map:entry("param", $rows))


xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace op="http://marklogic.com/optic"
     at "/MarkLogic/optic.xqy";

let $rows := (
  map:entry("id", 1) => map:with("firstName", "Jane")=> map:with("lastName", "Ken"))
let $row-col-types := (
  map:entry("column", "id"),
  map:entry("column", "firstName"),
  map:entry("column", "lastName")
let $from-view := op:from-view("soccer", "matches")
let $from-param := op:from-param("param", "test", $row-col-types)
return $from-param=>op:join-left-outer($from-view)
    => op:where(op:eq(op:view-col("test", "id"), op:schema-col("soccer", "matches", "id")))
    => op:result("object", map:entry("param", $rows))

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