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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   $from as xs:string,
   $to as xs:string,
   $role as xs:string,
   $rev-role as xs:string,
   $strength as xs:string
) as empty-sequence()


Create a link between the two given documents with the given role labels and strength. An error is raised if either of the documents involved does not exist or if the link would be invalid for some reason. This function will replace any existing link between those two documents with the new link.

from The URI of the document at the tail of the link.
to The URI of the document at the head of the link.
role A label for the relationship of the head of the link to the tail of the link, one of "source", "consumer", "container", "variant", and "related".
rev-role A label for the reverse relationship of the tail of the link to the head of the link.
strength An indicator of the strength of the relationship between the two documents, either "strong" or "weak".


  xquery version "1.0-ml";
  import module namespace lnk = "http://marklogic.com/cpf/links" 
		  at "/MarkLogic/cpf/links.xqy";

  lnk:create( "/myDocs/example.xhtml", "/myDocs/example.doc", 
              "source", "conversion", "strong" ) 

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