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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   relative as String?,
   [base as String]
) as String?


Resolves a relative URI against an absolute URI. If $base is specified, the URI is resolved relative to that base. If $base is not specified, the base is set to the base-uri property from the static context, if the property exists; if it does not exist, an error is thrown.

relative A URI reference to resolve against the base.
base An absolute URI to use as the base of the resolution.

Usage Notes

If $base is specified, it is assumed to be an absolute URI and $relative is assumed to be an absolute or a relative URI reference. If $relative is a relative URI reference, it is resolved against $base, using an algorithm such as the ones described in [RFC 2396] or [RFC 3986], and the resulting absolute URI reference is returned.

If $relative is the zero-length string, fn:resolve-uri returns the value of $base, or the base-uri property from the static context if there is no $base value specified (if the base-uri property is not initialized in the static context, an error is raised).

Resolving a URI does not dereference it. This is merely a syntactic operation on two character strings.



=>  http://mycompany/hello/goodbye.xml

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