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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation
cts functions (Geospatial (Deprecated))

The following functions are deprecated. You should use the corresponding functions in the geo namespace instead. For example, use geo:distance instead of cts:distance in XQuery; use geo.distance instead of cts.distance in Server-Side JavaScript.

17 functions
Function name Description
cts:approx-center [DEPRECATED: use geo:approx-center instead] Return a point approximating the center of the given region.
cts:arc-intersection [DEPRECATED: use geo:arc-intersection instead] Returns the point at the intersection of two arcs.
cts:bearing [DEPRECATED: use geo:bearing instead] Returns the true bearing in radians of the path from the first point to the second.
cts:bounding-boxes [DEPRECATED: use geo:bounding-boxes instead] Returns a sequence of boxes that bound the given region.
cts:box-intersects [DEPRECATED: use geo:box-intersects instead] Returns true if the box intersects with a region.
cts:circle-intersects [DEPRECATED: use geo:circle-intersects instead] Returns true if the circle intersects with a region.
cts:complex-polygon-contains [DEPRECATED: use geo:complex-polygon-contains instead] Returns true if the complex-polygon contains a region.
cts:complex-polygon-intersects [DEPRECATED: use geo:complex-polygon-intersects instead] Returns true if the complex-polygon intersects with a region.
cts:destination [DEPRECATED: use geo:destination instead] Returns the point at the given distance (in miles) along the given bearing (in radians) from the starting point.
cts:distance [DEPRECATED: use geo:distance instead] Returns the distance (in miles) between two points.
cts:parse-wkt [DEPRECATED: use geo:parse-wkt instead] Returns a sequence of geospatial regions parsed from Well-Known Text format.
cts:polygon-contains [DEPRECATED: use geo:polygon-contains instead] Returns true if the polygon contains a region.
cts:polygon-intersects [DEPRECATED: use geo:polygon-intersects instead] Returns true if the polygon intersects with a region.
cts:region-contains [DEPRECATED: use geo:region-contains instead] Returns true if the region contains the other region.
cts:region-intersects [DEPRECATED: use geo:region-intersects instead] Returns true if the region intersects with a region.
cts:shortest-distance [DEPRECATED: use geo:shortest-distance instead] Returns the great circle distance (in miles) between a point and an region.
cts:to-wkt [DEPRECATED: use geo:to-wkt instead] Returns a sequence of strings in Well-Known Text format.