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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   queries as cts.query
) as TuplesSearch


Specifies which documents have the co-occurring values. Omit the where() clause to retrieve co-occurring values from all documents in the specified indexes or lexicons.

queries One or an array of cts.query objects matching documents. Some helper functions such as cts.parse() and jsearch.byExample() return a cts.query object.

Usage Notes

Apply this method to the output from jsearch.tuples. You can optionally follow it with "clauses" such as orderBy slice, or map. Results are not generated until you call Tuples.result.

You can construct the input queries using cts.parse, jsearch.byExample, a cts.query constructor such as cts.jsonPropertyWordQuery or cts.elementValueQuery, or any other function that returns a cts.query object.

See Also


// Find co-occurrences for values in documents in the "/books/" directory.
const jsearch = require('/MarkLogic/jsearch.sjs');

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