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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation
All REST Resources

401 resources
Resource URI Description
/admin/v1/cluster-config (POST) Provide host or cluster configuration information suitable for adding a new host to an existing cluster.
/admin/v1/host-config (DELETE) Remove a host's configuration from the cluster configuration, dropping the host from the cluster.
/admin/v1/init (POST) Initializes MarkLogic Server.
/admin/v1/instance-admin (POST) Install the admin username and password, and initialize the security database and objects.
/admin/v1/server-config (GET) Retrieve MarkLogic Server configuration information, suitable for use in joining a cluster.
/admin/v1/timestamp (GET) Verify that MarkLogic Server is up and accepting requests.
/admin/v1/timestamp (HEAD) Verify that MarkLogic Server is up and accepting requests.
/manage/v1/domains (GET) This resource returns the set of domains for which Flexible Replication is configured.
/manage/v2 (GET) This resource address returns summary information for the local cluster.
/manage/v2 (POST) This resource address restarts and upgrades the local cluster.
/manage/v2?view=describe (GET) This resource address returns a description of the methods available on this endpoint.
/manage/v2?view=healthcheck (GET) This resource address returns a health check status for the local cluster.
/manage/v2?view=query (GET) This resource address returns the summary of all of the resources in the local cluster, or resources in the local cluster that match a query.
/manage/v2?view=status (GET) This resource address returns a status summary for the local cluster.
/manage/v2/amps (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the amps in the security database.
/manage/v2/amps (POST) This resource address creates a new amp in the Security database.
/manage/v2/amps/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named amp from the named security database.
/manage/v2/amps/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified amp.
/manage/v2/amps/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified amp.
/manage/v2/amps/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified amp.
/manage/v2/certificate-authorities (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the certificate authorities in the cluster.
/manage/v2/certificate-authorities (POST) This resource address creates a new certificate authority in the security database.
/manage/v2/certificate-authorities/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named certificate authority from the Security database.
/manage/v2/certificate-authorities/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified certificate authority.
/manage/v2/certificate-authorities/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified certificate authority.
/manage/v2/certificate-revocation-lists (PUT) This resource address inserts a PEM- or DER-encoded Certificate Revocation List (CRL) into the security database.
/manage/v2/certificate-templates (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the certificate templates in the cluster.
/manage/v2/certificate-templates (POST) This resource address creates a new certificate template in the Security database.
/manage/v2/certificate-templates/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named certificate template from the Security database.
/manage/v2/certificate-templates/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified certificate template.
/manage/v2/certificate-templates/{id|name} (POST) This resource address is used to perform various operations on the specified certificate template.
/manage/v2/certificate-templates/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified certificate template.
/manage/v2/certificate-templates/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified certificate template.
/manage/v2/certificates (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the certificates in the cluster.
/manage/v2/certificates (POST) This resource address inserts one or more certificates into the Security database.
/manage/v2/certificates/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named certificate from the Security database.
/manage/v2/certificates/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified certificate.
/manage/v2/certificates/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified certificate.
/manage/v2/clusters (GET) This resource address returns a list of all of the foreign clusters coupled to the local cluster.
/manage/v2/clusters (POST) This resource address creates a foreign cluster.
/manage/v2/clusters?view=metrics (GET) Retrieve historical monitoring data for the foreign clusters coupled to the local cluster.
/manage/v2/clusters/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the specified foreign cluster.
/manage/v2/clusters/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns summary information for the specified foreign cluster.
/manage/v2/clusters/{id|name} (POST) Initiate a state change on the named cluster, such as a shutdown or restart.
/manage/v2/clusters/{id|name}?view=metrics (GET) Retrieve historical monitoring data for the specified foreign cluster.
/manage/v2/clusters/{id|name}?view=status (GET) This resource address returns a status summary for the specified foreign cluster.
/manage/v2/clusters/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the modifiable properties of the named foreign cluster.
/manage/v2/clusters/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address modifies the properties of the named foreign cluster.
/manage/v2/credentials/properties (DELETE) Delete credentials used to access external services, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS).
/manage/v2/credentials/properties (GET) Retrieve credentials used to access external services, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS).
/manage/v2/credentials/properties (PUT) This resource address sets the credentials used to access external services, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS).
/manage/v2/credentials/secure (GET) Retrieve secure credentials.
/manage/v2/credentials/secure (POST) This resource address sets a secure credential.
/manage/v2/databases (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the databases in the cluster.
/manage/v2/databases (POST) This resource address creates a new database in the cluster.
/manage/v2/databases?view=metrics (GET) Retrieve historical monitoring data about the databases in the cluster.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named database from the cluster.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns information on the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name} (POST) This resource address can be used to clear the contents of the named database and to perform various configuration operations on the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}?view=counts (GET) This resource address returns the count information for forests attached to the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}?view=describe-indexes (GET) This resource address returns the list of range index specification for the database, identified either by id or name.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}?view=package (GET) This resource address returns configuration details about the named database in a format suitable for use with the /manage/v2/packages interfaces.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}?view=status (GET) This resource address returns status information for the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert (GET) List the alerts for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions (GET) List the alert actions for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions (POST) This resource address creates a new alert action.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name} (DELETE) Delete the named alert action configuration from the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name} (GET) Return the configuration for the specified alert action.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the configuration properties of the named alert action.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address updates the configuration properties of the specified alert action for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name}/rules (GET) Return a list of the alert rules for the specified alert action on the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name}/rules (POST) This resource address creates a new rule for the specified alert action.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name}/rules/{id|name} (DELETE) Delete the named alert rule for the specified action and database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name}/rules/{id|name} (GET) Return the properties for the specified alert rule.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name}/rules/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the configuration properties of the named alert rule.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name}/rules/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address updates the configuration properties of the specified alert rule.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/configs (DELETE) Delete the alert configuration specified by the mandatory uri parameter from the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/configs (GET) Return a list of the alert configurations for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/configs (POST) This resource address creates a new alert configuration.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/configs/properties (GET) This resource address returns the configuration properties of the alert specified by the mandatory uri parameter from the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/configs/properties (PUT) This resource address updates the configuration properties of the alert specified by the mandatory uri parameter from the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/cpf-configs (GET) This resource address returns the list of CPF configurations.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/cpf-configs (POST) This resource address creates a CPF configuration for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/cpf-configs/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the CPF configuration for the specified domain.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/cpf-configs/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name} (GET) This resource address returns the CPF configuration for the specified domain.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/cpf-configs/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the CPF configuration properties for the specified domain.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/cpf-configs/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/properties (PUT) This resource address updates the CPF configuration on the specified domain for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/domains (GET) This resource address returns the list of domains for the specified triggers database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/domains (POST) This resource address creates a new domain for the specified Triggers database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/domains/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named domain from the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/domains/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration of the specified domain for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/domains/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified domain for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/domains/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties of the specified domain for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep (GET) This resource address returns the list of flexible replication configurations for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs (GET) This resource address returns the list of flexible push replication configurations for the domains for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs (POST) This resource address creates a flexible push replication configuration, along with the indexes needed for CPF-based flexible replication on the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named flexible replication configuration for the specified domain on the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the flexible replication configuration for the specified domain on the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the flexible replication configuration properties for the specified domain for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address updates the flexible replication configuration properties for the specified domain for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name}/targets (GET) This resource address returns the flexible replication targets for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name}/targets (POST) This resource address creates a target for use by the flexible replication configuration for the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name}/targets/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the configuration for the named target from the named flexible replication configuration for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name}/targets/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the target configuration for the specified flexible replication configuration for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name}/targets/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties for the specified target configuration in the specified flexible replication configuration for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name}/targets/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address is used to set the properties for the target used by the flexible replication configuration for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/properties (GET) This resource address returns the inbound filter flexible replication properties for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/properties (PUT) This resource address updates the inbound filter flexible replication properties for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/pulls (GET) This resource address returns the flexible replication pull configurations for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/pulls (POST) This resource address creates a flexible replication pull configuration for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/pulls/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named flexible replication pull configuration for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/pulls/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the specified flexible replication pull configuration for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/pulls/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the flexible replication pull configuration properties for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/pulls/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address is used to update the enabled property to enable or disable pull flexible replication for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partition-queries (GET) Retrieve a list of partition queries in a database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partition-queries (POST) Add a query to a query partition in the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partition-queries/{partition-number} (DELETE) Delete the query for the query partition identified by {partition-number} from the database identified by {id|name}.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partition-queries/{partition-number} (GET) Retrieve the query assignment policy for a specific query partition.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partition-queries/{partition-number}/properties (GET) Retrieve the current query assignment policy for the query partition identified by {partition-number} in the database identified by {name|id}.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partition-queries/{partition-number}/properties (PUT) Modify the query assignment policy for the query partition identified by {partition-number} in the database identified by {id|name}.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partitions (GET) Retrieve a list of partitions in a database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partitions (POST) Add a range or query partition to the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partitions/{name} (DELETE) Delete the partition identified by {name} from the database identified by {id|name}.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partitions/{name} (GET) Retrieve a partition summary that includes links to related resources, such as the containing database, member forests, assignment policy, and the partition configuration.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partitions/{name} (PUT) Invoke an operation on a partition, such as resizing the partition or transferring or migrating the partition to a different database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partitions/{name}/properties (GET) Retrieve the current configuration for the partition identified by {name} in the database identified by {name|id}.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partitions/{name}/properties (PUT) Modify the configuration of the partition identified by {name} in the database identified by {id|name}.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/pipelines (GET) This resource address returns the list of pipelines for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/pipelines (POST) This resource address can be used to create and load CPF pipelines for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/pipelines/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named pipeline from the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/pipelines/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified pipeline for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/pipelines/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified pipeline for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/pipelines/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties of the specified pipeline for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the modifiable properties of the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address modifies the properties of the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/rebalancer (GET) This resource address returns the current rebalancer configuration.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/rebalancer (PUT) Update the rebalancer configuration for a database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal (GET) This resource address returns the temporal configuration for the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/axes (GET) This resource address returns the list of temporal axes for the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/axes (POST) This resource address creates a new temporal axis for the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/axes/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named temporal axis from the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/axes/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified temporal axis.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/axes/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified temporal axis.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections (GET) This resource address returns the list of temporal collections for the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections (POST) This resource address creates a new temporal collection for the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections?collection={name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named temporal collection from the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections?collection={name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified temporal collection.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections?collection={name} (POST) This resource address advances the LSQT for the specified temporal collection.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections/lsqt/properties?collection={name} (GET) This resource address returns the LSQT properties for the specified temporal collection.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections/lsqt/properties?collection={name} (PUT) This resource sets the LSQT properties on the specified temporal collection.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections/properties?collection={name} (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified temporal collection.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections/properties?collection={name} (PUT) This resource sets the optional properties on the specified temporal collection.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/triggers (GET) Return a list of the alert triggers for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/triggers (POST) This resource address creates a new trigger.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/triggers/{id|name} (DELETE) Delete the named alert trigger for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/triggers/{id|name} (GET) Return the configuration for the specified alert trigger.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/triggers/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the configuration properties of the named alert trigger.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/triggers/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address updates the configuration properties of the specified alert trigger for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas (GET) This resource address returns the list of SQL View Schemas for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas (POST) This resource address creates a SQL View Schema in the specified schemas database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named SQL View Schema from the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the specified SQL View Schema for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified SQL View Schema for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties of a SQL View Schema in the specified SQL Schema for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{schema-name}/views (GET) This resource address returns the list of SQL Views for the specified schema in the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{schema-name}/views (POST) This resource address adds a SQL View to the specified schema on the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{schema-name}/views/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named SQL View from the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{schema-name}/views/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the specified SQL View for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{schema-name}/views/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified SQL View for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{schema-name}/views/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for a SQL View in the Schemas database.
/manage/v2/external-security (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the external-security configurations in the security database.
/manage/v2/external-security (POST) This resource address creates a new external-security configuration in the security database.
/manage/v2/external-security/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named external-security configuration from the named security database.
/manage/v2/external-security/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the specified external-security configuration.
/manage/v2/external-security/{id|name}/jwt-secrets (DELETE) This resource address deletes the JWT secret with the specified key-IDs given in the payload from the specified external security configuration.
/manage/v2/external-security/{id|name}/jwt-secrets (POST) This resource address can be used to add JWT secrets for the specified external security configuration.
/manage/v2/external-security/{id|name}/jwt-secrets (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the JWT secrets for the specified external security configuration.
/manage/v2/external-security/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified external-security configuration.
/manage/v2/external-security/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified external-security configuration.
/manage/v2/forests (GET) This resource address returns data about the forests in the cluster.
/manage/v2/forests (POST) Create a new forest, including replicas if specified.
/manage/v2/forests (PUT) Perform an operation on one or more forests, such as combining multiple forests into a single new one, or migrating the data in the forests to a new data directory.
/manage/v2/forests?view=counts (GET) This resource address returns count information about all the forests in the cluster.
/manage/v2/forests?view=metrics (GET) Retrieve historical monitoring data about the forests in the cluster.
/manage/v2/forests?view=status (GET) This resource address returns status information about the forests in the cluster.
/manage/v2/forests?view=storage (GET) This resource address returns storage information about the forests in the cluster.
/manage/v2/forests/{id|name} (DELETE) Delete a forest.
/manage/v2/forests/{id|name} (GET) Retrieve information about a forest.
/manage/v2/forests/{id|name} (POST) Initiate a state change on a forest, such as a merge, restart, or attach.
/manage/v2/forests/{id|name}?view=counts (GET) Retrieve count information about a forest.
/manage/v2/forests/{id|name}?view=status (GET) Retrieve status information about the named forest.
/manage/v2/forests/{id|name}/properties (GET) Retrieve the current state of modifiable properties of the forest identified by {id|name}.
/manage/v2/forests/{id|name}/properties (PUT) Modify the configuration of the forest identified by {id|name}.
/manage/v2/groups (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the groups in the cluster.
/manage/v2/groups (POST) This resource address creates a new group in the cluster.
/manage/v2/groups/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes a group from the cluster.
/manage/v2/groups/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns information on a specific group.
/manage/v2/groups/{id|name} (POST) This resource address can be used to restart or shutdown a group in the cluster.
/manage/v2/groups/{id|name}?view=counts (GET) This resource address returns counts information on the specified group.
/manage/v2/groups/{id|name}?view=status (GET) This resource address returns status information on the specified group.
/manage/v2/groups/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the configuration properties of the named group in the cluster.
/manage/v2/groups/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address sets the configuration properties of the named group in the cluster.
/manage/v2/hosts (GET) Retrieve information about the hosts in a cluster.
/manage/v2/hosts (POST) This resource address is used to define a bootstrap host.
/manage/v2/hosts?view=metrics (GET) Retrieve historical monitoring data about the hosts in the cluster.
/manage/v2/hosts?view=status (GET) Retrieve status information about the hosts in the cluster.
/manage/v2/hosts/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns information on a specific host.
/manage/v2/hosts/{id|name} (POST) Initiate a state change on a host, such as a shutdown or restart.
/manage/v2/hosts/{id|name}?view=config (GET) This resource address returns configuration information on a specific host.
/manage/v2/hosts/{id|name}?view=counts (GET) This resource address returns counts information on a specific host.
/manage/v2/hosts/{id|name}?view=status (GET) This resource address returns status information on a specific host.
/manage/v2/hosts/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the current state of modifiable properties of the specified host.
/manage/v2/hosts/{id|name}/properties (PUT) Initiate a properties change on the specified host.
/manage/v2/logs (GET) Returns the content of server log files.
/manage/v2/meters (GET) This resource address lists all existing meters with descriptions and units, including cluster-id and host-id.
/manage/v2/meters/labels (GET) This resource address returns all of the labels stored for the monitoring history timespans.
/manage/v2/meters/labels (OPTIONS) This resource address returns information on the /manage/v2/meters/labels endpoint.
/manage/v2/meters/labels (POST) This resource address creates a label and returns the ID of the created label.
/manage/v2/meters/labels/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named label.
/manage/v2/meters/labels/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the named label stored for the monitoring history timespans.
/manage/v2/meters/labels/{id|name} (HEAD) This resource address tests to see if the named label is in MarkLogic Server.
/manage/v2/meters/labels/{id|name} (OPTIONS) This resource address returns information on the /manage/v2/meters/labels/{id|name} endpoint.
/manage/v2/meters/labels/{id|name} (PUT) This resource address updates an existing label and returns the ID of the updated label.
/manage/v2/meters/resources (GET) This resource address returns a list of all of the resources in the local cluster that existed in specified time period..
/manage/v2/mimetypes (GET) This resource address returns a list of all of the mimetypes supported by MarkLogic Server.
/manage/v2/mimetypes (POST) This resource address creates a new mimetype.
/manage/v2/mimetypes/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named mimetype.
/manage/v2/mimetypes/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified mimetype.
/manage/v2/mimetypes/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified mimetype.
/manage/v2/mimetypes/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified mimetype.
/manage/v2/privileges (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the privileges in the security database.
/manage/v2/privileges (POST) This resource address creates a new privilege in the security database.
/manage/v2/privileges/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named privilege from the named security database.
/manage/v2/privileges/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified privilege.
/manage/v2/privileges/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified privilege.
/manage/v2/privileges/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified privilege.
/manage/v2/properties (GET) Retrieve the current properties of the cluster.
/manage/v2/properties (PUT) This resource address modifies the properties of the local cluster.
/manage/v2/protected-collections (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the protected collections in the cluster.
/manage/v2/protected-collections (POST) This resource address creates a new protected collection in the security database.
/manage/v2/protected-collections?collection={collection-uri} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named protected collection from the Security database.
/manage/v2/protected-collections?collection={collection-uri} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified protected collection.
/manage/v2/protected-collections/properties?collection={collection-uri} (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified protected collection.
/manage/v2/protected-collections/properties?collection={collection-uri} (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified protected collection.
/manage/v2/protected-paths (GET) This resource endpoint retrieves a list of protected paths.
/manage/v2/protected-paths (POST) This resource endpoint creates a new protected path using a name or id passed in a payload.
/manage/v2/protected-paths/{id}/properties (GET) This resource endpoint retrieves the properties of specific protected path.
/manage/v2/protected-paths/{id}/properties (PUT) This resource endpoint updates one or more properties of a protected path.
/manage/v2/protected-paths/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource endpoint deletes a given protected path using a name or id passed in the URL.
/manage/v2/protected-paths/{id|name} (GET) This resource endpoint retrieves a given protected path.
/manage/v2/query-rolesets (GET) This resource endpoint retrieves a list of query rolesets.
/manage/v2/query-rolesets (POST) This resource endpoint creates a new query roleset.
/manage/v2/query-rolesets/{id} (DELETE) This resource endpoint deletes a given query roleset using the id passed in the URL.
/manage/v2/query-rolesets/{id} (GET) This resource endpoint retrieves a given query roleset.
/manage/v2/query-rolesets/{id}/properties (GET) This resource endpoint retrieves a given query roleset.
/manage/v2/requests (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the requests in the cluster.
/manage/v2/requests/{id|uri} (GET) This resource address returns information on the specified request.
/manage/v2/roles (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the roles in the security database.
/manage/v2/roles (POST) This resource address creates a new role in the security database.
/manage/v2/roles/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named role from the named security database.
/manage/v2/roles/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified role.
/manage/v2/roles/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified role.
/manage/v2/roles/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified role.
/manage/v2/security (GET) Retrieve a summary of security information for the cluster.
/manage/v2/security (POST) Perform a security operation such as rotating configuration, data, or log encryption keys.
/manage/v2/security/properties (GET) Retrieve security properties for a cluster.
/manage/v2/security/properties (PUT) Update security properties.
/manage/v2/servers (GET) This resource address returns data about the App Servers in the cluster.
/manage/v2/servers (POST) This resource address is used to create a new App Server in the specified group.
/manage/v2/servers?view=metrics (GET) Retrieve historical monitoring data about the App Servers in the cluster.
/manage/v2/servers?view=status (GET) This resource address returns status information for the App Servers in the cluster.
/manage/v2/servers?view=xdmp:server-status (GET) This resource address returns more status information for the App Servers in the cluster including active/long running query details.
/manage/v2/servers/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the specified App Server from the specified group.
/manage/v2/servers/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns data about a specific App Server.
/manage/v2/servers/{id|name}?view=package (GET) This resource address returns configuration details about the named App Server in a format suitable for use with the /manage/v2/packages interfaces.
/manage/v2/servers/{id|name}?view=status (GET) This resource address returns status information about a specific App Server.
/manage/v2/servers/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the current state of modifiable properties of the specified App Server.
/manage/v2/servers/{id|name}/properties (PUT) Initiate a properties change on the specified App Server.
/manage/v2/support-request (GET) Generates a support request, along with your system status.
/manage/v2/task-servers (GET) This resource address lists the Task Servers.
/manage/v2/task-servers/{id|name} (GET) This resource address lists the specified Task Server properties.
/manage/v2/task-servers/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the Task Server in the specified group.
/manage/v2/task-servers/{id|name}/properties (PUT) Initiate a properties change on the Task Server in the specified group.
/manage/v2/tasks (GET) This resource address returns the list of scheduled tasks for the specified group.
/manage/v2/tasks (POST) This resource address is used to create a new scheduled task for the specified group.
/manage/v2/tasks/{id} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named task from the named group.
/manage/v2/tasks/{id} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified task.
/manage/v2/tasks/{id}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified task.
/manage/v2/tasks/{id}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified task.
/manage/v2/tickets/{tid}?view=process-status (GET) Check the status of the ticket identified by {tid}.
/manage/v2/transactions (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the transactions in the cluster.
/manage/v2/transactions/{id|uri} (GET) This resource address returns information on the specified transaction.
/manage/v2/usage-report (GET) Returns a usage report.
/manage/v2/users (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the users in the cluster.
/manage/v2/users (POST) This resource address creates a new user in the security database.
/manage/v2/users/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named user from the named security database.
/manage/v2/users/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified user.
/manage/v2/users/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified user.
/manage/v2/users/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified user.
/manage/v3 (GET) This endpoint enables retrieving configuration of an individual resource, a set of resources, or a full cluster.
/manage/v3 (POST) This endpoint enables applying named configurations to MarkLogic resources, overriding parameters and setting options.
/v1/alert/match (GET) Retrieve a list of rules (including the rule metadata) that match documents identified by a query or a list of URIs.
/v1/alert/match (POST) Retrieve a list of rules (including the rule metadata) that match either documents in the database identified by a document selection query defined in the request body or a transient document supplied in the request body.
/v1/alert/rules (GET) Retrieve the definition of all alert rules previously installed in this REST API instance using the /v1/alert/{name} service.
/v1/alert/rules/{name} (DELETE) Delete an alerting rule previously installed using PUT /v1/alert/rules/{name}.
/v1/alert/rules/{name} (GET) Retrieve the alerting rule definition installed with the given name.
/v1/alert/rules/{name} (HEAD) Test for the existence of a rule with the given name.
/v1/alert/rules/{name} (PUT) Install an alerting rule under the given name.
/v1/config/indexes (GET) Request a report on whether or not the database configuration includes index configurations that satisfy all installed query options.
/v1/config/indexes/{name} (GET) Request a report on whether or not the database configuration includes index configurations that satisfy these named query options.
/v1/config/namespaces (DELETE) [DEPRECATED: Use PUT /manage/v2/servers/{id|name}/properties instead.] Remove all installed namespace bindings.
/v1/config/namespaces (GET) [DEPRECATED: Use GET /manage/v2/servers/{id|name}/properties instead.] List all namespace bindings configured for use in queries, ordered alphabetically by prefix.
/v1/config/namespaces (POST) [DEPRECATED: Use PUT /manage/v2/servers/{id|name}/properties instead.] Create or append to namespace bindings that can be used in subsequent query operations.
/v1/config/namespaces (PUT) [DEPRECATED: Use PUT /manage/v2/servers/{id|name}/properties instead.] Create or replace namespace bindings that can be used in subsequent query operations.
/v1/config/namespaces/{prefix} (DELETE) [DEPRECATED: Use PUT /manage/v2/servers/{id|name}/properties instead.] Remove the namespace binding for {prefix}.
/v1/config/namespaces/{prefix} (GET) [DEPRECATED: Use GET /manage/v2/servers/{id|name}/properties instead.] Retrieve the namespace URI associated with the REST service namespace binding prefix {prefix}.
/v1/config/namespaces/{prefix} (PUT) [DEPRECATED: Use PUT /manage/v2/servers/{id|name}/properties instead.] Create or modify a namespace binding.
/v1/config/properties (DELETE) Reset all MarkLogic REST API instance configuration properties to their default values.
/v1/config/properties (GET) Retrieve a list of all MarkLogic REST API instance configuration properties names and settings.
/v1/config/properties (PUT) Set or modify MarkLogic REST API instance configuration properties.
/v1/config/properties/{property-name} (DELETE) Reset the MarkLogic REST API instance configuration property {property-name} to its default value.
/v1/config/properties/{property-name} (GET) Retrieve the value of the MarkLogic REST API instance configuration property named by {property-name}.
/v1/config/properties/{property-name} (PUT) Set the value of the MarkLogic REST API instance configuration property named by {property-name}.
/v1/config/query (DELETE) Remove all named query options.
/v1/config/query (GET) Retrieve a list of all the named query options available for use with the service.
/v1/config/query/(default|{name}) (DELETE) Remove the named (or default) query options from the App Server.
/v1/config/query/(default|{name}) (GET) Retrieve the query options whose name matches the name in the request URI, or retrieve the default query options.
/v1/config/query/(default|{name}) (POST) Create or append to named query options.
/v1/config/query/(default|{name}) (PUT) Create or replace named query options.
/v1/config/query/(default|{name})/{child-element} (DELETE) Remove an option setting from the named query options.
/v1/config/query/(default|{name})/{child-element} (GET) Retrieve the setting for a particular option in named query options.
/v1/config/query/(default|{name})/{child-element} (POST) Add options to existing named query options, or create new named query options if {name} does not already exist.
/v1/config/query/(default|{name})/{child-element} (PUT) Replace options in existing named query options, or create new named query options if {name} does not already exist.
/v1/config/resources (GET) Retrieve a list of installed resource service extensions, including their metadata.
/v1/config/resources/{name} (DELETE) Uninstall the named resource service extension.
/v1/config/resources/{name} (GET) Retrieve the XQuery library module or server-side JavaScript module implementing the named resource service extension.
/v1/config/resources/{name} (PUT) Create or update a resource service extension.
/v1/config/server (POST) Apply changes to the configuration of the server specified by a request payload that declares chained and nested calls to the Admin API.
/v1/config/transforms (GET) Retrieve metadata about all transforms installed using the /v1/config/transforms/{name} service.
/v1/config/transforms/{name} (DELETE) Remove the named transform.
/v1/config/transforms/{name} (GET) Retrieve the XQuery, XSLT, or JavaScript implementation installed for the named transform.
/v1/config/transforms/{name} (PUT) Create or update the named transform.
/v1/documents (DELETE) Remove documents, or reset document metadata.
/v1/documents (GET) Retrieve document content and/or metadata from the database.
/v1/documents (HEAD) Returns the same headers as an equivalent GET (content/metadata fetch) on the /documents service.
/v1/documents (PATCH) Perform a partial update to content or metadata of a document.
/v1/documents (POST) Insert or update content and/or metadata for multiple documents in a single request.
/v1/documents (PUT) Insert or update document contents and/or metadata, at a caller-supplied document URI.
/v1/documents?extension={ext} (POST) Create a new document with a server-generated database URI.
/v1/documents?uri={db-uri} (POST) Perform a partial update to content or metadata of a document at a caller-specified URI.
/v1/documents/protection (POST) Use this method to protect a temporal document from certain temporal operations, such as update, delete, or wipe, for a specific period of time.
/v1/domains/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/status (GET) This resource returns the status for the domain.
/v1/domains/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/targets (GET) This resource returns the set of targets configured for the domain.
/v1/domains/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/targets/{id|name} (GET) This resource returns the specified target.
/v1/domains/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/targets/{id|name}/rules (GET) This resource returns the set of rules for a particular target.
/v1/domains/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/targets/{id|name}/rules (POST) This resource adds new rule.
/v1/domains/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/targets/{id|name}/rules/ALERT_ID (DELETE) This resource deletes the specified rule.
/v1/domains/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/targets/{id|name}/rules/ALERT_ID (GET) This resource returns the specified rule.
/v1/domains/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/targets/{id|name}/rules/ALERT_ID (PUT) This resource overwrites the specified rule.
/v1/eval (POST) Evaluate an ad-hoc query expressed using XQuery or server-side JavaScript.
/v1/ext/{directories} (DELETE) Delete the assets in /ext/{directories} in the modules database associated with the REST API instance.
/v1/ext/{directories} (GET) Retrieve a list of assets installed in the modules database associated with a REST API instance, such as a dependent library of an extension or transformation.
/v1/ext/{directories}/{asset} (DELETE) Remove the asset with document URI /ext/{directories}/{asset} from the modules database associated with this REST API instance.
/v1/ext/{directories}/{asset} (GET) Retrieve an asset installed in the modules database associated with a REST API instance, such as a dependent library of a module implementing an extension or a transformation.
/v1/ext/{directories}/{asset} (PUT) Install an asset such as a dependent library of an extension module in the modules database associated with this REST API instance.
/v1/graphs (DELETE) Remove triples in a named graph or the default graph, or remove all graphs from the triple store.
/v1/graphs (GET) Retrieve the contents or permissions metadata of a graph, or a list of available graph URIs.
/v1/graphs (HEAD) Returns the same headers as an equivalent GET on the /graphs service.
/v1/graphs (POST) Merge quads into the triple store, or merge other types of triples into a named graph or the default graph.
/v1/graphs (PUT) Create or replace quads in the triple store; or create or replace other kinds of triples in a named graph or the default graph; or replace the permissions on a named graph or the default graph.
/v1/graphs/sparql (GET) Perform a SPARQL query on the database.
/v1/graphs/sparql (POST) Perform a SPARQL query or SPARQL Update on one or more graphs.
/v1/graphs/things (GET) With no parameters, returns a list of subject IRIs in the triple index.
/v1/invoke (POST) Evaluate an XQuery or server-side JavaScript module installed in MarkLogic Server.
/v1/qbe (GET) Search the database using a Query By Example or perform a multi-document read for documents that match a Query By Example.
/v1/qbe (POST) Search the database using a Query By Example or perform a multi-document read for documents that match a Query By Example.
/v1/resources/{name} (DELETE) Send a DELETE request to the named resource service extension.
/v1/resources/{name} (GET) Make a GET request to the named resource service extension.
/v1/resources/{name} (POST) Applies an extension-specific operation to a resource implemented by a resource service extension.
/v1/resources/{name} (PUT) Perform the PUT operation associated with a resource service extension.
/v1/rest-apis (GET) Retrieve a list of REST API instances, including configuration details.
/v1/rest-apis (POST) Create an instance of the MarkLogic REST API, including an HTTP app server, required modules, and optionally a content database.
/v1/rest-apis/{name} (DELETE) Remove an HTTP App Server servicing the MarkLogic REST API.
/v1/rest-apis/{name} (GET) Retrieve configuration information about an App Server servicing the MarkLogic REST API.
/v1/rows (GET) Invoke a plan in order to retrieve a list of rows.
/v1/rows (POST) Invoke a plan in order to retrieve a list of rows.
/v1/rows/graphql (GET) Execute a GraphQL query in order to retrieve a JSON object with the results.
/v1/rows/graphql (POST) Execute a GraphQL query in order to retrieve a JSON object with the results.
/v1/rows/update (POST) Execute an Optic Update (DSL) pipeline in an update transaction.
/v1/search (DELETE) Remove documents in a collection or directory, or clear the database.
/v1/search (GET) Search the database using a string query, structured query, or cts:query.
/v1/search (POST) Search the database using a string query, structured query, a cts:query, or a combined query in the POST body.
/v1/suggest (GET) Retrieve a list of suggested constraint prefixes and/or constraint values that match (complete) the input query text, similar to the XQuery function search:suggest.
/v1/suggest (POST) Retrieve a list of suggested constraint prefixes and/or constraint values that match (complete) the input query text, similar to the XQuery function search:suggest.
/v1/temporal/collections/{name} (POST) Manage the state of a temporal collection.
/v1/transactions (POST) Create a multi-statement transaction.
/v1/transactions/{txid} (GET) Retrieve status information for the transaction whose id matches the txid given in the request URI.
/v1/transactions/{txid} (POST) Commit or rollback the transaction whose id matches the txid given in the request URI.
/v1/values (GET) Retrieve a list of lexicon configurations available for use with GET /v1/values/{name}.
/v1/values/{name} (GET) Query the values in a lexicon or range index, or find co-occurrences of values in multiple range indexes.
/v1/values/{name} (POST) Query the values in a lexicon or range index, or find co-occurrences of values in multiple range indexes.