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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   orderdef as String
) as ModifyPlan


This method sorts the row set by the specified order definition.

orderdef The specified column or sortdef output from the op.asc or op.desc function.

Usage Notes

orderBy is a method of the following classes:

The library functions that return a sortdef used by the orderdef parameter are as follows:


// Calculate the total expenses for each employee and return results in order of employee number.

const op = require('/MarkLogic/optic');

const employees = op.fromView('main', 'employees');
const expenses = op.fromView('main', 'expenses');
const totalexpenses  = op.col('totalexpenses');
const Plan =
employees.joinInner(expenses, op.on(employees.col('EmployeeID'), expenses.col('EmployeeID')))
   .groupBy(employees.col('EmployeeID'), ['FirstName', 'LastName', expenses.col('Category'),
    op.sum(totalexpenses, expenses.col('Amount'))])


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