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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   [format as String],
   [options as String[]]
) as Plan


This method returns a representation of the builtin execution plan.

format The format of the returned plan, expressed as a lower-case string. This can be either xml (default) or json.
options Options as an array of string values. Available options are:
  • "optimize=N"

    Sets the optimization level to use. Levels of 0 (off), 1, and 2 are recognized. The default is 1.

  • "seed=N"

    Sets the seed to use. The default will generate a random seed. Setting it to 0 will behave the same as the default case. The default is 0.

Usage Notes

explain is a method of the following classes:


const op = require('/MarkLogic/optic');

op.fromView('main', 'employees')
   .select(['EmployeeID', 'FirstName', 'LastName'])


const op = require('/MarkLogic/optic');

op.fromView('main', 'employees')
   .select(['EmployeeID', 'FirstName', 'LastName'])
   .explain('json', ['seed=0','optimize=1']);

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