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MarkLogic Server on Kubernetes

HAProxy Ingress Controller installation

The HAProxy Ingress Controller is installed using the Official Helm Chart with the configuration below. In the example, the Ingress controller is identified as type: NodePort (this allows the ODBC exposition). The HA can be achieved in 2 ways: either by using DaemonSet or by using three replicas for deployment with node anti-affinity to ensure that the pods will be deployed on separate Kubernetes nodes.

## Controller Service configuration

## ref:
  enabled: true  # set to false when controller.kind is 'DaemonSet' and 
  controller.daemonset.useHostPorts is true

  type: NodePort   # can be 'ClusterIP', 'NodePort' or 'LoadBalancer'

In the next example, ingressClass is specified as haproxy. This allows the MarkLogic Ingress to be managed using the HAProxy Ingress Controller.

## IngressClass:
  ## Ref:

  # k8s >= 1.18: IngressClass resource used, in multi-Ingress environments, to 
    select Ingress resources to implement.
  # ref:
  # ref:
  # Note: Uses ingressClass as name for the Ingress Class object if enabled
    name: haproxy
    default: true
    parameters: {}

  # k8s < 1.18: Ingress Class used, in multi-Ingress environments, 
  for ingress.class annotation to select Ingress resources to implement.
  # k8s >= 1.18: Ingress Class used to target specific HAProxy Ingress Controller 
  in multi-Ingress envionments
  # ref:
  ingressClass: "haproxy"   # typically "haproxy" or null to receive all 
  eventscode needs to be inserted here 

In the next example, the config:stats-config-snippet configuration allows basic authentication for the statistic page exposed. request-capture is used to capture the host and user agent from the user request.

  #   timeout-connect: "250ms"
  #   servers-increment: "10"
  #   servers-increment-max-disabled: "10"
  #   rate-limit: "ON"
  #   rate-limit-expire: "1m"
  #   rate-limit-interval: "10s"
  #   rate-limit-size: "100k"
    stats-config-snippet: |
      stats auth ml-admin:ml-admin2022
    request-capture: |
      hdr(User-Agent)Code needs to be inserted here