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Installing MarkLogic Server

Windows Service Parameters

When you upgrade MarkLogic on Windows as a different user from the user that installed the previous version, the MarkLogic service parameters in the Windows registry will be changed. When the old version of MarkLogic is uninstalled, the service is deleted from the registry, including any customizations to the service parameters. When the new version of MarkLogic is installed, the service is re-created in the registry, with the default service parameters.

Before starting the upgraded version of MarkLogic, make any customization to the service parameters. Otherwise, the default service parameters will be set and MarkLogic will start up running as the local system user. Any MarkLogic configuration files saved as the local system user (such as those modified when making changes in the Admin Interface) will be created with the Windows file permissions for the local system user.


When you make changes to the user in the service parameters, you should also change data directory file permissions. This is because files may be written when MarkLogic is running as the local system user.