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Installing MarkLogic Server

Removing MarkLogic

To remove MarkLogic from your system, complete the following steps for the corresponding platform:


Perform the following:

Windows 10

  1. In the Windows taskbar, click in the search area.

  2. Type MarkLogic.

  3. Click Stop MarkLogic Server, then choose to allow the action. The server is now stopped.

  4. [Uninstalling MarkLogic 9.0-4 or later] If you have the converters package installed, you need to uninstall it before continuing: Go to Add or remove programs, select MarkLogic Converters and click Uninstall.

  5. Uninstall MarkLogic by navigating to Add or remove Programs, selecting MarkLogic Server and clicking Uninstall.


  1. Select System Control Panel > Programs> MarkLogic Server >.

  2. Right-click Stop MarkLogic Server.

  3. Select Run as Administrator, then choose to allow the action. The server is now stopped.

  4. [Uninstalling MarkLogic 9.0-4 or later] If you have the converters package installed, you need to uninstall it before continuing: Select MarkLogic Converters in Add/Remove Programs of Control Panel, right click on it, and select Uninstall.

  5. Uninstall MarkLogic: select MarkLogic Server in Add/Remove Programs of Control Panel, right click on it, and select Uninstall.

Red Hat Linux

  1. Stop MarkLogic: as the root user, enter the following command:

    /sbin/service MarkLogic stop
  2. [Uninstalling MarkLogic 9.0-4 or later] If you have the converters package installed, you need to uninstall it before continuing: As the root user: enter the following command:

    yum remove MarkLogicConverters

    For environments that don’t allow a yum uninstallation, the rpm uninstall can be used. To do an rpm uninstall: As the root user, uninstall the package with the following command:

    rpm -e MarkLogicConverters
  3. Uninstall MarkLogic: as the root user, enter the following command:

    yum remove MarkLogic

    For environments that don’t allow a yum uninstallation, the rpm uninstall can be used. To do an rpm uninstall: as the root user, uninstall the package with the following command:

    rpm -e MarkLogic

Mac OS X

  1. Stop MarkLogic: select System Preferences> MarkLogic to open the MarkLogic control window, and click Stop MarkLogic Server.

  2. [Uninstalling MarkLogic 9.0-4 or later] if you have the converters package installed, you need to uninstall it before continuing: Use these commands:

    sudo pkgutil --forget com.marklogic.converters
    rm ~/Library/MarkLogic/Converters
  3. No action is necessary when upgrading. If you want to remove the user data and do a fresh install, then remove the following directory:

  4. To entirely remove MarkLogic, remove the following directories:

    ~/Library/Application Support/MarkLogic
  5. To make Mac OS X completely forget it ever had a MarkLogic installation, run the following command from a terminal window:

    sudo pkgutil --forget com.marklogic.server


Using this procedure to remove MarkLogic from your system will not remove user data (configuration information, XQuery files used by HTTP or XDBC servers, or forest content). This data is left in place to simplify the software upgrade process. If you wish to remove the user data, you must do so manually using standard operating system commands.

In case you previously used converters/filters and want to remove this functionality:

  • To remove MarkLogic Converters from a node that has MarkLogic 9.0-4 or later release installed, you can use a package management tool, such as Control Panel on Windows or rpm on Linux, to uninstall MarkLogic Converters.

  • To remove converters/filters from a node that has MarkLogic 9.0-3 or earlier release installed, you need to uninstall that release of MarkLogic, and then install MarkLogic Server from release 9.0-4 or later but do not install MarkLogic Converters.