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MarkLogic 10 Product Documentation
xdmp functions (Transaction)

Use these XQuery functions for manipulating transactions. You will usually only need these functions if you develop or administer applications using multi-statement transactions. For a detailed discussion of multi-statement transactions, see "Understanding Transactions in MarkLogic Server" in the Application Developer's Guide

12 functions
Function name Description
xdmp:commit Commit the current transaction to the database.
xdmp:get-transaction-mode Retrieve the transaction mode for the current session.
xdmp:rollback Roll back the current transaction.
xdmp:set-transaction-mode Set the transaction mode for the current session.
xdmp:set-transaction-name Set the name of a local or remote transaction.
xdmp:set-transaction-time-limit Set the transaction time limit for a local or remote transaction.
xdmp:transaction Returns the transaction ID for the current transaction, or transaction IDs for all transactions with the given name.
xdmp:transaction-commit Explicitly commit a transaction running on a named host.
xdmp:transaction-locks Returns all URIs currently locked for read or write by a transaction.
xdmp:transaction-rollback Explicitly roll back a transaction running on a named host.
xdmp:xa-complete Completes (commits or rolls back) a prepared XA transaction.
xdmp:xa-forget Forgets a remembered completed XA transaction.