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MarkLogic 10 Product Documentation

   [node as Node]
) as Number


Returns the score of a node, or of the context node if no node is provided.

node A node. Typically this is an item in the result sequence of a cts.search operation.

Usage Notes

Score is computed according to the scoring method specified in the cts.search expression, if any.

If you run cts.score on a constructed node, it always returns 0; it is primarily intended to run on nodes that are retrieved from the database (an item from a search result or an item from the result of an XPath expression that searches through the database).


const res = new Array();
const s = fn.subsequence(cts.search("bar"), 1, 10);
for (const item of s) {
// returns the scores for the first 10 results that match the search

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