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MarkLogic 10 Product Documentation

   [options as Object]
) as Null


Declares the statement to be an update.

A JavaScript statement is executed as a query unless declareUpdate() is called at the beginning of the statement. Calling declareUpdate with an options argument where explicitCommit property is set to true starts a multi-statement transaction and requires an explicit commit or rollback to complete the transaction. If the options argument is omitted, or the property explicitCommit property is set to false, an update is automatically committed. XDMP-OWNTXN is thrown if the request is in an open transaction.

options Options to use for this operation. If "explicitCommit" property is set to true, declareUpdate starts a multi-statement transaction and requires an explicit commit or rollback to complete the transaction.


  const person = {name:"Jon", age:50};
  xdmp.documentInsert("p.json", person);


  declareUpdate({explicitCommit: true});
  const person = {name:"Jon", age:50};
  xdmp.documentInsert("p.json", person);
  // because explicitCommit is true, you must call xdmp.commit (or
  // call it in another statement that uses the transaction started
  // in this statement)

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