Namespace: graphs


Provides functions read, write, merge, remove, list, or query with SPARQL on triple graphs.


createMergeStream(uri, contentType, repair, txid) → {WritableStream}

Adds the triples for the specified graph in incremental chunks with a stream; takes the following parameters (but not a data parameter).
Name Type Argument Description
uri string <optional>
a graph name, which can be omitted for the default graph
contentType string the format for the graph such as application/n-quads, application/n-triples, application/rdf+json, application/rdf+xml, text/n3, text/turtle, or application/vnd.marklogic.triples+xml
repair boolean <optional>
whether to attempt to repair errors in the graph data
txid string | transactions.Transaction <optional>
a string transaction id or Transaction object identifying an open multi-statement transaction in which to merge the triples
  • 1.0
a stream for writing the triples

createWriteStream(uri, contentType, repair, txid) → {WritableStream}

Creates or replaces the triples for the specified graph in incremental chunks with a stream; takes the following parameters (but not a data parameter).
Name Type Argument Description
uri string <optional>
a graph name, which can be ommitted for the default graph
contentType string the format for the graph such as application/n-quads, application/n-triples, application/rdf+json, application/rdf+xml, text/n3, text/turtle, or application/vnd.marklogic.triples+xml
repair boolean <optional>
whether to attempt to repair errors in the graph data
txid string | transactions.Transaction <optional>
a string transaction id or Transaction object identifying an open multi-statement transaction in which to write the triples
  • 1.0
a stream for writing the triples

list(contentType, txid, timestamp) → {ResultProvider}

Lists the graphs stored on the server.
Name Type Argument Description
contentType string the format for the list of graphs
txid string | transactions.Transaction <optional>
a string transaction id or Transaction object identifying an open multi-statement transaction that has uncommitted triples for new graphs
timestamp DatabaseClient.Timestamp <optional>
a Timestamp object for point-in-time operations.
  • 1.0
an object whose result() function takes a success callback that receives the list of graphs stored on the server

merge(uri, contentType, repair, permissions, data, txid)

Adds the triples for the specified graph.
Name Type Argument Description
uri string <optional>
a graph name, which can be ommitted for the default graph
contentType string the format for the graph such as application/n-quads, application/n-triples, application/rdf+json, application/rdf+xml, text/n3, text/turtle, or application/vnd.marklogic.triples+xml
repair boolean <optional>
whether to attempt to repair errors in the graph data
permissions Array.<object> <optional>
the permissions controlling which users can read or write the documents with the triples
data object | string | Buffer | ReadableStream <optional>
the graph data in the specified format
txid string | transactions.Transaction <optional>
a string transaction id or Transaction object identifying an open multi-statement transaction in which to merge the triples
  • 1.0

probe(uri, txid) → {ResultProvider}

Check whether the specified graph exists.
Name Type Argument Description
uri string <optional>
a graph name, which can be omitted for the default graph
txid string | transactions.Transaction <optional>
a string transaction id or Transaction object identifying an open multi-statement transaction that has uncommitted triples
  • 1.0
an object whose result() function takes a success callback that receives an object with an exists boolean for the graph

read(uri, contentType, category, txid, timestamp) → {ResultProvider}

Reads the triples for a graph from the server in the specified format.
Name Type Argument Description
uri string <optional>
a graph name, which can be ommitted for the default graph
contentType string the format for the graph such as application/n-quads, application/n-triples, application/rdf+json, application/rdf+xml, text/n3, text/turtle, or application/vnd.marklogic.triples+xml
category string <optional>
a value from the enumeration "content|metadata|permissions" that specifies whether to retrieve the triple content of the graph (the default) or the metadata permissions for the graph documents
txid string | transactions.Transaction <optional>
a string transaction id or Transaction object identifying an open multi-statement transaction that has uncommitted triples
timestamp DatabaseClient.Timestamp <optional>
a Timestamp object for point-in-time operations.
  • 1.0
an object whose stream() function returns a read stream that receives the triples for the graph in the requested format

remove(uri, txid) → {ResultProvider}

Removes the specified graph.
Name Type Argument Description
uri string <optional>
a graph name, which can be omitted for the default graph
txid string | transactions.Transaction <optional>
a string transaction id or Transaction object identifying an open multi-statement transaction in which to remove the triples
  • 1.0
an object whose result() function takes a success callback called when the triples are removed

sparql(contentType, defaultGraphs, namedGraphs, query, docQuery, start, length, base, txid, rulesets, defaultRulesets, optimizeLevel, bindings, timestamp) → {ResultProvider}

Executes a SPARQL query against the triples for the graphs; takes a configuration object with the following named parameters or, as a shortcut, a contentType string, any number of default graph URIs, and a SPARQL query.
Name Type Argument Description
contentType string the format for the query response
defaultGraphs string | Array.<string> <optional>
the default graphs for the SPARQL query
namedGraphs string | Array.<string> <optional>
the named graphs for the SPARQL query
query string | ReadableStream the SPARQL query
docQuery object <optional>
a queryBuilder.Query returned by the query builder functions that qualifies the documents supplying the triples
start number <optional>
the zero-based position within the results of the first triple, which is determinate only for a SELECT SPARQL query that orders the results and defaults to the first
length number <optional>
the zero-based position of the triple after the last triple, which is determinate only for a SELECT SPARQL query that orders the results and defaults to all triples
base string <optional>
the base URI to prepend to relative resource identifiers
txid string | transactions.Transaction <optional>
a string transaction id or Transaction object identifying an open multi-statement transaction that has uncommitted triples
rulesets string | Array.<string> <optional>
the inference rulesets applied to infer additional triples for the query
defaultRulesets string <optional>
a value from the enumeration "include|exclude" to specify whether to apply the default rulesets (if any) to infer additional triples for the query (defaulting to "include")
optimizeLevel number <optional>
the level of effort applied by the SPARQL query analyzer for optimizing the query
bindings object <optional>
the values for placeholder variables within the query specified with an object whose keys are the names of the variables and whose values are either primitives or objects with a type or lang key and a value key
timestamp DatabaseClient.Timestamp <optional>
a Timestamp object for point-in-time operations
  • 1.0
an object whose stream() function returns a read stream that receives the query response

sparqlUpdate(data, permissions, usingDefaultGraphs, usingNamedGraphs, base, txid, rulesets, defaultRulesets, optimizeLevel, bindings) → {ResultProvider}

Executes a SPARQL update against the graphs; takes a configuration object with the following named parameters or, as a shortcut, the SPARQL update data.
Name Type Argument Description
data string | ReadableStream the SPARQL update
permissions Array.<object> <optional>
the permissions controlling which users can read or write the documents with the updated triples
usingDefaultGraphs string | Array.<string> <optional>
the default graphs for the update
usingNamedGraphs string | Array.<string> <optional>
the named graphs for the update
base string <optional>
the base URI to prepend to relative resource identifiers
txid string | transactions.Transaction <optional>
a string transaction id or Transaction object identifying an open multi-statement transaction in which to update the triples
rulesets string | Array.<string> <optional>
the inference rulesets applied to infer additional triples as part of the update
defaultRulesets string <optional>
a value from the enumeration "include|exclude" to specify whether to apply the default rulesets (if any) to infer additional triples for the update (defaulting to "include")
optimizeLevel number <optional>
the level of effort applied by the SPARQL query analyzer for optimizing the update
bindings object <optional>
the values for placeholder variables within the update specified with an object whose keys are the names of the variables and whose values are either primitives or objects with a type or lang key and a value key
  • 1.0
an object whose result() function takes a success callback called when the triples are updated

write(uri, contentType, repair, permissions, data, txid)

Creates or replaces the triples for the specified graph.
Name Type Argument Description
uri string <optional>
a graph name, which can be ommitted for the default graph
contentType string the format for the graph such as application/n-quads, application/n-triples, application/rdf+json, application/rdf+xml, text/n3, text/turtle, or application/vnd.marklogic.triples+xml
repair boolean <optional>
whether to attempt to repair errors in the graph data
permissions Array.<object> <optional>
the permissions controlling which users can read or write the documents with the triples
data object | string | Buffer | ReadableStream <optional>
the graph data in the specified format
txid string | transactions.Transaction <optional>
a string transaction id or Transaction object identifying an open multi-statement transaction in which to write the triples
  • 1.0
Copyright (c) 2020 MarkLogic Corporation Documentation generated by JSDoc 4.0.0 on 2024-08-19T23:06:48-07:00 using the DocStrap template.