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MarkLogic 9 Product Documentation

   query as cts.query,
   entries as Sequence,
   entries as (element() | Object)[],
   new-weight as Number?,
   min-weight as Number?,
   filter as Node[]
) as cts.query


Returns a query that searches for all the query strings specified in $query and their synonyms as found in $entries.

query A cts.query item from any of the cts.*Query functions ( cts.wordQuery, cts.andQuery, and so on). Thesaurus expansion only occurs on an "unwildcarded" cts.query; it cannot expand "wildcarded" queries.

An array of thesaurus entries, can be xml elements or javascript objects.


An array of thesaurus entries, can be XML elements or javascript objects.

new-weight A new weight for the relevance ranking. If $new-weight is the empty sequence, then the relevance ranking is inherited from the parent query.
min-weight A minimum weight for the relevance ranking. If $min-weight is not the empty sequence then only queries with weight less than or equal to $min-weight will be expanded. Otherwise, all queiries are expanded.
filter Only return entries containing a node that is deep equal to at least one of the XML nodes specified by this parameter. The filter nodes must be nodes that can be found in a thesaurus entry. For example, <thsr:qualifier>birds</thsr:qualifier>.


  var thsr = require("/MarkLogic/thesaurus");
     () )

   => This query returns all of the lines in Shakespeare's 
      Hamlet that have the word "weary" or any of the 
      synonyms of the word "weary"  :)


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