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Messages and Codes Reference Guide (PDF)

MarkLogic 9 Product Documentation
Messages and Codes Reference Guide
— Chapter 24

SEARCH Messages


Message Text

Value of @apply undefined: variable1


The Search API cannot find a function to apply.


Check the function in your search options node, and ensure that the function named in the error message has been defined. You may need to specify a namespace (@ns) and file path (@at) if the function is an extension located in a custom XQuery module, or a user-defined function (@udf) if the function is a user-defined aggregate function.


Message Text

Extensions must define @apply, @ns and @at


Implementation of a custom constraint requires implementation of a parsing function. A custom constraint has been specified, but the configuration is incorrect or does not refer to a parsing function.


Check your search options node with search:check-options to ensure it is valid. Validate that the custom library module is available at the expected path, and that the namespace and local name correctly refer to a function in that module.


Message Text

Indexes are required to support element, element-attribute, json-property, or field sort specifications.


Sorting without index support will not perform well at scale, so it not a supported configuration in the Search API.


Check your search options node with search:check-options in strict mode to identify the missing index.


Message Text

Invalid aggregate function: function variable1 is invalid for variable2


Supplied aggregate function name is invalid.


Check the values or tuples configuration to ensure that the named aggregate is supported.


Message Text

Invalid arguments: variable1


Supplied arguments are invalid.


The error message describes the acceptable combinations of arguments.


Message Text

Computed bucket requires an anchor: variable1


In most cases, computed buckets require an anchor in order to resolve relative dates. This error indicates a missing anchor.


Examine search options for computed buckets to ensure that anchors are present.


Message Text

No facet implementation (start/finish) specified for custom constraint: variable1


A custom constraint expected to resolve facets (@facet = "true") must supply code to implement, at minimum, a finish-facet function. Optionally, it may supply a start-facet function to support concurrent facet resolution. This error indicates that the finish-facet function has not been supplied, or that the options node configuring the custom constraint is incorrect.


If the constraint should not resolve facets, set @facet ="false". If it should resolve facets, run search:check-options on the options node to ensure the configuration is valid.


Message Text

Cannot create valid index reference.: variable1


The named configuration does not refer to a valid index.


The options supplied to this function must refer to a valid index configuration (collection, uri, range, field, or geospatial). Run search:check-options on the options node to ensure that the configuration is valid.


Message Text

Non-annotated query


The Search API adds annotations as it parses queries in order to support round-tripping (search:parse generates an annotated parsed query while search:unparse takes an annotated parsed query and generates a string). The parse/unparse cycle is also used in other areas of the API, including search:remove-constraint. This error indicates that the parsed query cannot be reversed due to missing annotations. It is usually encountered when custom parsing code has been added to extend the API.


Add annotations to any custom parsing code. Consult documentation on customization of the Search API, or use search:parse to generate parsed queries and observe the annotation pattern. Contact support if further assistance is needed.


Message Text

variable1 is not a valid constraint


This error does not appear to exist in code any more.


This error does not appear to exist in code any more.


Message Text

Unsupported anchor type


Anchors indicating a fixed point in time may be supplied for computed buckets, which allow for dynamic calculation of relative bucket boundaries on date or dateTime constraints (e.g., compute bucket boundaries relative to "now"). This error indicates that the constraint type is inappropriate for the anchor.


Run search:check-options to validate the structure of the search options node. Check dynamic buckets.

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