MarkLogic 9 Product Documentation
Scheduled Tasks Configuration Help
Scheduled Tasks
allow you to configure an XQuery main module to be run
at some point in the future.
The task can either be one time or recurring.
To create a scheduled task, click the
Create tab and specify when and how often you want the task
to be scheduled.
task path
specifies the module to invoke. The task path must begin with a forward
slash (/) and cannot contain a question mark '?', colon ':' or
pound '#' character.
task root
specifies the root directory (filesystem) or URI root (database)
that contains the module.
task type
specifies the task type:
- minutely
specifies how many minutes between each invocation of the module.
- hourly
specifies how many hours and minutes between each invocation of the module.
- daily
specifies how many days between each invocation of the module and the time of day
(in 24:00 notation).
- weekly
specifies how many weeks between each invocation of the module, check one or
more days of the week, and the time of day (in 24:00 notation) for the
task to start.
- monthly
specifies how many months between each invocation of the module, select one day
of the month (1-31), and the time of day (in 24:00 notation) for the task to start.
- one-time
specifies the start date in MM/DD/YYYY notation (for example, 07/29/2009
for July 29, 2009) and time in 24:00 notation.
task period
specifies how often the module is to be invoked (every n
months, weeks, days, hours, or minutes).
task days
specifies the days on which this task runs.
start time
specifies the starting time (in 24:00 notation) for this task.
task database
specifies the database to which the scheduled module connects for query
task modules
specifies the name of the database in which the scheduled module locates
XQuery application code. If set to (file system), then any files in the
specified task root directory are
executable (given the proper permissions). If set to a database,
then any documents in the database whose URI begins with the specified
task root directory are executable.
task user
specifies the user with permission to invoke the module.
task host
specifies the host computer on which the scheduled module is to be invoked.
task priority
specifies the priority of the task:
- normal
specifies the task should be queued with normal priority.
- higher
specifies the task should be queued with higher priority.