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   $source-location as xs:string,
   $ticket-id as xs:string,
   $policy-deltas as element(info:options)?
) as node()


[DEPRECATED] This is a convenience function that wraps xdmp:document-get. The document specified in $source-location is bundled with other documents into a transaction, and ingested.

This function is similar to infodev:ingest, only it takes care of handling the infostudio options.

source-location The document to be ingested.
ticket-id The ID of the ticket created by the infodev:ticket-create function.
policy-deltas An options node to be used with requests associated with this ticket. It is merged with the effective policy at runtime.

Required Privileges



xquery version "1.0-ml"; 

import module namespace infodev = 
   at "/MarkLogic/appservices/infostudio/infodev.xqy";

infodev:get-file("/space/myfile.xml", infodev:ticket-create(), ())  

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