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   $scalar-type as xs:string,
   $parent-namespace as xs:string?,
   $parent-localname as xs:string,
   $namespace as xs:string?,
   $localname as xs:string,
   $collation as xs:string?,
   $range-value-positions as xs:boolean,
   [$invalid-values as xs:string]
) as element(db:range-element-attribute-index)


This function constructs a range element attribute index specification.

scalar-type A valid type for the range index. Must be one of: int, unsignedInt, long, unsignedLong, float, double, decimal, dateTime, time, date, gYearMonth, gYear, gMonth, gDay, yearMonthDuration, dayTimeDuration, string, anyURI, or point.
parent-namespace The namespace of the parent element for the attribute.
parent-localname The local name of the parent element for the attribute.
namespace The namespace URI.
localname The local name for the node.
collation The collation URI (for example, http://marklogic.com/collation/. The collation is only needed for string and anyURI indexes; for other indexes, specify the empty string ("") for this parameter.
range-value-positions A boolean specifying whether to maintain value positions in this index (used with co-occurrences).
invalid-values An option to handle values that do not meet the range index type. Must be one of: reject (default), ignore.


  xquery version "1.0-ml";

  import module namespace admin = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp/admin"
		  at "/MarkLogic/admin.xqy";

  admin:database-range-element-attribute-index("string", "/my/namespace",
        "elementname", "", "myAtribute", "http://marklogic.com/collation/",
	fn:false() )
  (: returns the range element attribute-index specification :)

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